HLA Web Resource for SNPs, Populations, Resources, ADRs, Diseases

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PMID Allele Disease Population Drug Names SNP Class Sentence
33467231 HLA (HLA) fatigue NA lactate NA unclassified
exercise scientists without access to hla measurements may now be able to gain insights into accumulated fatigue during periods of increased training by using srpe.
33931534 HLA-DQB1*06 fatigue NA NA NA unclassified
patients with central hypersomnia were younger and sleepier than those without hypersomnia, but had similar levels of fatigue, disability, depression, cognitive performance and frequencies of the human leukocyte antigen dqb1*0602 genotype.
33931534 HLA-DQB1*06 fatigue NA NA NA unclassified
patients with central hypersomnia were younger and sleepier than those without hypersomnia, but had similar levels of fatigue, disability, depression, cognitive performance, and frequencies of the human leukocyte antigen dqb1*0602 genotype.
11422420 HLA (HLA) chronic fatigue syndrome NA NA NA unclassified
lack of association between hla genotype and chronic fatigue syndrome.
11422420 HLA (HLA) chronic fatigue syndrome NA NA NA unclassified
although the aetiology of chronic fatigue syndrome is controversial, evidence that infective agents including viruses may have a role in the development of the condition has led to studies seeking an association with the immunomodulatory hla genes.
11422420 HLA-CLASS I (HLA CLASS II) chronic fatigue syndrome NA NA NA negation
thus, this study does not confirm previous findings of an hla association with chronic fatigue syndrome, suggesting that neither presentation of viral antigen by hla class i nor antigen processing genes in the hla region is a major contributory factor in the development of the disease.
16049290 HLA-CLASS II (HLA CLASS II) chronic fatigue syndrome NA NA NA negation
a genetic component to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) has been proposed, and a possible association between human leucocyte antigen (hla) class ii antigens and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction has been shown in some, but not all, studies.aimsto investigate the role of hla class ii antigens in cfs.
19822091 HLA (HLA) chronic fatigue syndrome Italian NA NA unclassified
molecular study of receptor for advanced glycation endproduct gene promoter and identification of specific hla haplotypes possibly involved in chronic fatigue syndrome.
21468604 HLA-B4 (BROAD ANTIGEN) chronic fatigue syndrome NA NA NA unclassified
excess of activating killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors and lack of hla-bw4 ligands: a two-edged weapon in chronic fatigue syndrome.
29602910 NA (NA) apnea NA NA NA unclassified
patients with type 2 narcolepsy compared to patients with type 1 narcolepsy had significantly less soremp, longer mean sleep latencies, and lower body mass indexes, apnea-hypopnea indexes, and frequency of human leukocyte antigen dq-beta1*0602.
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