HLA Web Resource for SNPs, Populations, Resources, ADRs, Diseases

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PMID Allele Disease Population Drug Names SNP Class Sentence
2140681 HLA-DRB1*04 polyp NA NA NA unclassified
human autoantibodies against the 70-kd polypeptide of u1 small nuclear rnp are associated with hla-dr4 among connective tissue disease patients.
2140681 HLA-DRB1*04 systemic lupus erythematosus NA NA NA positive
the frequencies of hla-dr4 and hla-drw53 were increased among the anti-u1-70-kd autoantibody positive ctd group compared with the frequencies in anti-u1-70-kd autoantibody negative systemic lupus erythematosus patients and compared with normal controls.
2140681 HLA-DRW53 (HLA-DRB4) systemic lupus erythematosus NA NA NA positive
the frequencies of hla-dr4 and hla-drw53 were increased among the anti-u1-70-kd autoantibody positive ctd group compared with the frequencies in anti-u1-70-kd autoantibody negative systemic lupus erythematosus patients and compared with normal controls.
2251494 HLA-DR3 (BROAD ANTIGEN) connective tissue disease NA dexamethasone NA unclassified
mothers with an elevated risk of fetal chb can be identified by their history (underlying systemic connective tissue disease, previous pregnancies with chb), an immunogenetic predisposition (hla-dr3) and analysis of the ss-a/ss-b antibody pattern.
2347134 HLA (HLA) connective tissue disease Greek NA NA unclassified
on the other hand some of the differences, in accordance with other peculiarities of greeks with connective tissue disease, emphasize the role of racial and/or ethnic background in the hla-association of various autoimmune diseases and the fact that the detectable hla alloantigens in certain diseases modify disease and autoantibody expression rather than being responsible for the autoimmune process itself.
2347134 HLA (HLA) autoimmune diseases Greek NA NA unclassified
on the other hand some of the differences, in accordance with other peculiarities of greeks with connective tissue disease, emphasize the role of racial and/or ethnic background in the hla-association of various autoimmune diseases and the fact that the detectable hla alloantigens in certain diseases modify disease and autoantibody expression rather than being responsible for the autoimmune process itself.
2347134 HLA (HLA) systemic lupus erythematosus Greek NA NA unclassified
hla alloantigens in greek patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
2347134 HLA-A (HLA-A) systemic lupus erythematosus Greek NA NA unclassified
the frequency of the hla-a, -b and -dr alloantigens was studied in 74 unselected, consecutive, unrelated greek patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) and the results were compared with those of healthy controls (380 for the class i antigens and 154 for the class ii antigens).
2347134 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) systemic lupus erythematosus Greek NA NA unclassified
the frequency of the hla-a, -b and -dr alloantigens was studied in 74 unselected, consecutive, unrelated greek patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) and the results were compared with those of healthy controls (380 for the class i antigens and 154 for the class ii antigens).
2743090 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) connective tissue disease NA NA NA unclassified
lymphocytic infiltrates and epithelial hla-dr expression in lip salivary glands in connective tissue disease patients lacking sicca: a prospective study.
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