HLA Web Resource for SNPs, Populations, Resources, ADRs, Diseases

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PMID Allele Disease Population Drug Names SNP Class Sentence
16206510 NA (NA) autoimmune diabetes NA insulin NA unclassified
hla dq region is responsible for the genetic susceptibility to autoimmune diabetes in iddm patients in about 50% and it has a lower effect in genetic susceptibility in lada patients.
16731860 HLA-CLASS II (HLA CLASS II) autoimmune diabetes Italian NA NA unclassified
we analyzed hla class ii genotypes, markers of autoimmune diabetes, in 187 children with permanent diabetes diagnosed at <2 years of age.
17392553 HLA-DRB1 (HLA-DRB1) insulin NA glucose NA negation
17392553 HLA-DQB1 (HLA-DQB1) insulin NA glucose NA negation
17491658 HLA (HLA) autoimmune diabetes NA NA NA unclassified
in this article we reviewed the controversial findings regarding the role of tap and lmp genes in autoimmune diabetes and reevaluated data of eleven separate studies in a cross-study analysis by genotype and hla haplotype matching.
18332100 HLA (HLA) autoimmune diabetes Italian insulin NA unclassified
lada ia-2((256-760))a positivity was associated with an increased frequency of autoimmune diabetes hla-susceptible genotypes and with a higher risk for developing thyroid autoimmunity compared with autoantibody-negative type 2 diabetic patients.
21054355 HLA (HLA) autoimmune diabetes NA insulin NA unclassified
the results of the search for type 1 diabetes-related autoantibodies, description of the hla haplotypes distribution and analysis of clinical features in patients diagnosed in the first 6 months of life provided the initial evidence that the etiology of their disease might be different from that of autoimmune diabetes.
21089677 HLA-A*30 autoimmune diabetes NA NA NA only_studied
to investigate the association of hla-a0205 and hla-a30 with latent autoimmune diabetes mellius in adults (lada) in chengdu hans, 121 subjects (41 cases of lada, 40 cases of t2dm, and 40 normal controls) were enrolled in the study.
21089677 HLA-A*02 autoimmune diabetes NA NA NA only_studied
to investigate the association of hla-a0205 and hla-a30 with latent autoimmune diabetes mellius in adults (lada) in chengdu hans, 121 subjects (41 cases of lada, 40 cases of t2dm, and 40 normal controls) were enrolled in the study.
21089677 HLA-A*30 latent autoimmune diabetes in adults NA NA NA unclassified
[association of hla-a0205 and hla-a30 with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults].
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