HLA Web Resource for SNPs, Populations, Resources, ADRs, Diseases

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PMID Allele Disease Population Drug Names SNP Class Sentence
6594042 HLA-A (HLA-A) neural tube defects NA NA NA unclassified
to test the hypothesis that a locus in or near the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) contributes to both involuntary fetal loss and neural tube defects (ntd), we evaluated sharing of antigens of the hla-a, hla-b, or hla-dr loci of couples who had three or more first-trimester spontaneous abortions or who had a child with an ntd (myelomeningocele or anencephaly).
6594042 HLA-A (HLA-A) anencephaly NA NA NA unclassified
to test the hypothesis that a locus in or near the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) contributes to both involuntary fetal loss and neural tube defects (ntd), we evaluated sharing of antigens of the hla-a, hla-b, or hla-dr loci of couples who had three or more first-trimester spontaneous abortions or who had a child with an ntd (myelomeningocele or anencephaly).
6594042 HLA-A (HLA-A) myelomeningocele NA NA NA unclassified
to test the hypothesis that a locus in or near the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) contributes to both involuntary fetal loss and neural tube defects (ntd), we evaluated sharing of antigens of the hla-a, hla-b, or hla-dr loci of couples who had three or more first-trimester spontaneous abortions or who had a child with an ntd (myelomeningocele or anencephaly).
6594042 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) neural tube defects NA NA NA unclassified
to test the hypothesis that a locus in or near the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) contributes to both involuntary fetal loss and neural tube defects (ntd), we evaluated sharing of antigens of the hla-a, hla-b, or hla-dr loci of couples who had three or more first-trimester spontaneous abortions or who had a child with an ntd (myelomeningocele or anencephaly).
6594042 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) anencephaly NA NA NA unclassified
to test the hypothesis that a locus in or near the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) contributes to both involuntary fetal loss and neural tube defects (ntd), we evaluated sharing of antigens of the hla-a, hla-b, or hla-dr loci of couples who had three or more first-trimester spontaneous abortions or who had a child with an ntd (myelomeningocele or anencephaly).
6594042 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) myelomeningocele NA NA NA unclassified
to test the hypothesis that a locus in or near the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) contributes to both involuntary fetal loss and neural tube defects (ntd), we evaluated sharing of antigens of the hla-a, hla-b, or hla-dr loci of couples who had three or more first-trimester spontaneous abortions or who had a child with an ntd (myelomeningocele or anencephaly).
6594042 HLA-A (HLA-A) myelomeningocele NA NA NA positive+negation
increased sharing of antigens at the hla-a and b loci was not seen in the entire group of couples with children with myelomeningocele, but was found in the subgroup of 36 couples whose child had a lumbar myelomeningocele.
11872314 HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN (HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN) neural tube defects NA NA NA negative
amniotic fluid soluble human leukocyte antigen g is markedly decreased in offspring with neural tube defects.
11034591 HLA-CLASS II (HLA CLASS II) jaundice NA NA NA unclassified
co-amoxiclav jaundice: clinical and histological features and hla class ii association.
11146394 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) jaundice NA NA NA lack_of_evidence
in human pbmnc jaundice reduced the percentages of cd3, cd5, cd4, cd8 and hla-dr-expressing cells and increased the proportion of cd25 and perforin-positive lymphocytes.
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