HLA Web Resource for SNPs, Populations, Resources, ADRs, Diseases

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PMID Allele Disease Population Drug Names SNP Class Sentence
3855470 HLA (HLA) prostacyclin Japanese prostaglandin NA unclassified
3856540 HLA (HLA) epidermodysplasia verruciformis NA NA NA only_studied
identification of hla antigens in familial and non-familial epidermodysplasia verruciformis.
3856540 HLA (HLA) epidermodysplasia verruciformis NA NA NA only_studied
the distribution of hla specificities was studied in 7 non-familial cases of epidermodysplasia verruciformis (ev) and in 5 cases from one family.
3861939 HLA (HLA) neural tube defects NA NA NA unclassified
transferrin and hla: spontaneous abortion, neural tube defects, and natural selection.
3861939 HLA (HLA) neural tube defects NA NA NA unclassified
on the basis of comparison of the frequencies of transferrin (chromosome 3) and hla (chromosome 6) mating types in 348 control couples and in 81 couples who had had a child with a neural tube defect, we hypothesize that some combinations of maternal and fetal genes on these two chromosomes may be associated with neural tube defects.
6588753 HLA-C (HLA-C) neural tube defects NA NA NA unclassified
the hla phenotype compatibility among the probands' and controls' parents was within the same range except for locus c where parents of children with neural tube defects (ntd) less frequently shared common hla-c antigens.
6594042 HLA (HLA) neural tube defects NA NA NA unclassified
parental hla compatibility, fetal wastage and neural tube defects: evidence for a t/t-like locus in humans.
6594042 HLA-B (HLA-B) neural tube defects NA NA NA unclassified
to test the hypothesis that a locus in or near the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) contributes to both involuntary fetal loss and neural tube defects (ntd), we evaluated sharing of antigens of the hla-a, hla-b, or hla-dr loci of couples who had three or more first-trimester spontaneous abortions or who had a child with an ntd (myelomeningocele or anencephaly).
6594042 HLA-B (HLA-B) anencephaly NA NA NA unclassified
to test the hypothesis that a locus in or near the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) contributes to both involuntary fetal loss and neural tube defects (ntd), we evaluated sharing of antigens of the hla-a, hla-b, or hla-dr loci of couples who had three or more first-trimester spontaneous abortions or who had a child with an ntd (myelomeningocele or anencephaly).
6594042 HLA-B (HLA-B) myelomeningocele NA NA NA unclassified
to test the hypothesis that a locus in or near the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) contributes to both involuntary fetal loss and neural tube defects (ntd), we evaluated sharing of antigens of the hla-a, hla-b, or hla-dr loci of couples who had three or more first-trimester spontaneous abortions or who had a child with an ntd (myelomeningocele or anencephaly).
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