HLA Web Resource for SNPs, Populations, Resources, ADRs, Diseases

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PMID Allele Disease Population Drug Names SNP Class Sentence
16054169 HLA-DPB1*19 beryllium disease NA NA NA unclassified
among the 40 hla-dpb1 gene variants that code for e69, molecular epidemiological studies have suggested a risk hierarchy, where some variants appear to convey low to moderate risk of chronic beryllium disease (e.g., hla-dpb1*0201, approximately 3-fold increased risk), some convey an intermediate risk (e.g., hla-dpb1*1901, approximately 5-fold) and others convey high risk (e.g., hla-dpb1*1701, >10-fold).
16054169 HLA-DPB1*02 beryllium disease NA NA NA unclassified
among the 40 hla-dpb1 gene variants that code for e69, molecular epidemiological studies have suggested a risk hierarchy, where some variants appear to convey low to moderate risk of chronic beryllium disease (e.g., hla-dpb1*0201, approximately 3-fold increased risk), some convey an intermediate risk (e.g., hla-dpb1*1901, approximately 5-fold) and others convey high risk (e.g., hla-dpb1*1701, >10-fold).
16607200 HLA-DPB1 (HLA-DPB1) beryllium disease NA NA NA unclassified
under reasonable assumptions, the longitudinal positive predictive value of the hla-dpb1-glu69 marker of susceptibility to beryllium disease is 12%.
17956852 MHC (MHC) beryllium disease NA NA NA negative
impact of negatively charged patches on the surface of mhc class ii antigen-presenting proteins on risk of chronic beryllium disease.
18317020 HLA-DRB1 (HLA-DRB1) beryllium disease NA NA NA unclassified
in the absence of glu69, hla-drb1 alleles may function in beryllium presentation, increasing the risk of chronic beryllium disease.
18479524 HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN (HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN) beryllium disease NA NA NA unclassified
occupational exposure to beryllium may cause chronic beryllium disease (cbd), a lung disorder initiated by an electrostatic interaction with the mhc class ii human leukocyte antigen (hla).
20356827 HLA (HLA) arginine NA guanidinium NA unclassified
21186201 HLA-DPB1 (HLA-DPB1) beryllium disease NA NA NA unclassified
our objective was to extend current knowledge of the genetics of beryllium disease by examining all hla-dpb1 and hla-dpr1 gene polymorphisms and the interactions between them.
21460389 HLA-DPA1 (HLA-DPA1) beryllium disease NA NA NA unclassified
sberyllium sensitisation (bes) and chronic beryllium disease (cbd) are caused by exposure to beryllium with susceptibility affected by at least one well-studied genetic host factor, a glutamic acid residue at position 69 (e69) of the hla-dpb chain (dpbe69).
21471109 HLA-DPB1 (HLA-DPB1) beryllium disease NA NA NA unclassified
risk of chronic beryllium disease by hla-dpb1 e69 genotype and beryllium exposure in nuclear workers.
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