HLA Web Resource for SNPs, Populations, Resources, ADRs, Diseases

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PMID Allele Disease Population Drug Names SNP Class Sentence
23649484 HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN (HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN) rheumatoid vasculitis NA NA NA unclassified
seropositivity, specific human leukocyte antigen variations, antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides, and cigarette smoking are among the genetic and environmental predictors of rheumatoid vasculitis.
26106958 HLA-C*08 rheumatoid vasculitis Brazilian NA NA unclassified
the role of kir2dl3/hla-c*0802 in brazilian patients with rheumatoid vasculitis.
26106958 HLA-DRB1*14 rheumatoid vasculitis Brazilian NA NA unclassified
an association between the presence of the hla-drb1*1402 and hla-drb1*0101 alleles and cutaneous lesions in rheumatoid vasculitis patients and a correlation between the inhibitor kir2dl3 and the hla-c*0802 ligand in rheumatoid vasculitis patients were found.
26106958 HLA-DRB1*01 rheumatoid vasculitis Brazilian NA NA unclassified
an association between the presence of the hla-drb1*1402 and hla-drb1*0101 alleles and cutaneous lesions in rheumatoid vasculitis patients and a correlation between the inhibitor kir2dl3 and the hla-c*0802 ligand in rheumatoid vasculitis patients were found.
26106958 HLA-C*08 rheumatoid vasculitis Brazilian NA NA unclassified
an association between the presence of the hla-drb1*1402 and hla-drb1*0101 alleles and cutaneous lesions in rheumatoid vasculitis patients and a correlation between the inhibitor kir2dl3 and the hla-c*0802 ligand in rheumatoid vasculitis patients were found.
26106958 HLA-DRB1*14 rheumatoid vasculitis Brazilian NA NA unclassified
an association was found between the presence of the hla-drb1*1402 and hla-drb1*0101 alleles and the development of cutaneous lesions in rheumatoid vasculitis patients.
26106958 HLA-DRB1*01 rheumatoid vasculitis Brazilian NA NA unclassified
an association was found between the presence of the hla-drb1*1402 and hla-drb1*0101 alleles and the development of cutaneous lesions in rheumatoid vasculitis patients.
8341501 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) vkh syndrome NA NA NA unclassified
the dense uveal infiltrates in active vkh syndrome are composed predominantly of t lymphocytes and hla-dr+ macrophages.
12654224 HLA (HLA) vkh syndrome NA fluorescein NA unclassified
extraocular findings and relevant examinations including ffa, icga and hla typing are helpful to the diagnosis of vkh syndrome.
15059728 HLA-DRB1*04 vkh syndrome Italian fluorescein NA unclassified
the association of these two autoimmune disorders is suggested by the low incidence of vkh syndrome in italy and might be related to hla dr4.
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