HLA Web Resource for SNPs, Populations, Resources, ADRs, Diseases

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PMID Allele Disease Population Drug Names SNP Class Sentence
3089939 HLA MATCHED (HLA-MATCHED) infection NA NA NA unclassified
122 patients with hematologic malignancies underwent allogeneic marrow transplantation from hla-matched sibling donors and received one of two forms of infection prophylaxis while granulocytopenic: 1) decontamination and laminar air flow isolation (laf, 68 patients), and 2) laf plus prophylactic systemic antibiotics (laf + psa, 54 patients).
3089939 HLA MATCHED (HLA-MATCHED) hematologic malignancies NA NA NA unclassified
122 patients with hematologic malignancies underwent allogeneic marrow transplantation from hla-matched sibling donors and received one of two forms of infection prophylaxis while granulocytopenic: 1) decontamination and laminar air flow isolation (laf, 68 patients), and 2) laf plus prophylactic systemic antibiotics (laf + psa, 54 patients).
3098843 HLA MISMATCHED (HLA-MISMATCHED) transplantation NA NA NA unclassified
host-vs-graft activity presents a major obstacle for transplantation of t cell-depleted bone marrow in hla-mismatched patients.
3100748 NA (NA) transplantation NA NA NA unclassified
biopsies from normal oral mucosa and oral mucosa affected by candidosis, lichen planus or gingivitis were compared with respect to the expression of two class ii transplantation antigens, hla-dr and hla-dq, by epithelial cells and the relationship of these antigens to the distribution and frequency of t-lymphocytes.
3100748 NA (NA) lichen planus NA NA NA unclassified
biopsies from normal oral mucosa and oral mucosa affected by candidosis, lichen planus or gingivitis were compared with respect to the expression of two class ii transplantation antigens, hla-dr and hla-dq, by epithelial cells and the relationship of these antigens to the distribution and frequency of t-lymphocytes.
3100748 NA (NA) gingivitis NA NA NA unclassified
biopsies from normal oral mucosa and oral mucosa affected by candidosis, lichen planus or gingivitis were compared with respect to the expression of two class ii transplantation antigens, hla-dr and hla-dq, by epithelial cells and the relationship of these antigens to the distribution and frequency of t-lymphocytes.
3100748 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) transplantation NA NA NA unclassified
biopsies from normal oral mucosa and oral mucosa affected by candidosis, lichen planus or gingivitis were compared with respect to the expression of two class ii transplantation antigens, hla-dr and hla-dq, by epithelial cells and the relationship of these antigens to the distribution and frequency of t-lymphocytes.
3100748 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) lichen planus NA NA NA unclassified
biopsies from normal oral mucosa and oral mucosa affected by candidosis, lichen planus or gingivitis were compared with respect to the expression of two class ii transplantation antigens, hla-dr and hla-dq, by epithelial cells and the relationship of these antigens to the distribution and frequency of t-lymphocytes.
3100748 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) gingivitis NA NA NA unclassified
biopsies from normal oral mucosa and oral mucosa affected by candidosis, lichen planus or gingivitis were compared with respect to the expression of two class ii transplantation antigens, hla-dr and hla-dq, by epithelial cells and the relationship of these antigens to the distribution and frequency of t-lymphocytes.
3100748 HLA-DR (HLA-DR) oral lichen planus NA NA NA unclassified
oral lichen planus and gingivitis did, to a much lesser extent, cause the expression hla-dr antigens by the epithelial cells.
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